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"101 Avenue A: Melting Pot to Hot Spot" Post-Event Resources

Read Iris Rose's History of the Pyramid Club. Iris was a panelist at "Melting Pot to Hot Spot" and was an integral part of the performance scene in the East Village in the 1980's.  Alone, or as part of the group Watchface, she performed regularly at the Pyramid Club, 8BC, P.S. 122 and La MaMa, among other venues.  She has devoted most of the last two decades to parenting and writing but in 2008 returned to directing with the creation of Theater of the Grasshopper.

Check out GVSHP's work to preserve 101 Avenue A and get it landmarked.

Write a letter in support of landmark designation for 101 Avenue A!

Home :Events : Past Programs : 101 Avenue A: Melting Pot to Hot Spot

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