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Membership - Recurring Donations

Supporting GVSHP with a recurring donation is an easy way offer your ongoing support for everything we do! Instead of making a one-time donation, you provide credit card information and we will automatically charge your card for the amount you specify each day, week, month, or year. You can also change your level of support or cancel the recurring donation at any time.

Step 1) Enter the amount you would like to donate each interval:

Step 2) Enter the number of donations you would like to make per interval (e.g. 1 donation a month, 2 donations a month): 

Step 3) Choose the time-frame of the donations
(e.g. weekly, monthly, etc.): 

Step 4) Choose the total number of donations you would like to make: 

Step 5) Click here:
You will be prompted to enter your credit card information and create a Paypal user name and password so you can manage your recurring donation information or cancel at anytime.

If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact GVSHP at (212) 475-9585 ext. 32 or e-mail.

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Home : Get Involved : Donate : Recurring Donations

The Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation : 232 East 11 Street, New York, NY 10003 : 212 475 9585 : info@gvshp.org


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