Rally to Save 326 & 328 East 4th Street Tuesday, November 16 at Noon
Please join the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation (GVSHP), the East Village Community Coalition (EVCC), Councilmember Rosie Mendez, State Senator Daniel Squadron, Assemblymember Brian Kavanagh, the Historic Districts Council, and the Lower East Side Jewish Conservancy for a rally and press conference Tuesday, November 16th at noon calling upon the city to landmark and save 326 & 328 East 4th Street from destruction by a new developer/owner. We will be in front of the houses, and all are welcome — bring friends, neighbors, and signs!
After discovering a plan to destroy these incredible surviving 1840 Greek Revival houses between Avenues C and D, GVSHP and EVCC wrote to the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) urging them to consider landmark designation. We followed with further research substantiating the connection between the builder of one of the houses and the builder of the first steamship to cross the Atlantic, and most recently sent the LPC information about the significance of the houses, which served as a synagogue for many years, to the history of judaism. New York State has determined the houses are eligible for the State and National Register of Historic Places. However, the city has thus far refused to act, and permits for the houses’ destruction could be issued any day.
These houses were the first and only structures ever built on these sites and retain a remarkable level of original architectural detail. Having evolved from shipbuilding merchant’s homes to multi-family tenements to a synagogue to the home of an anarchist utopian arts collective, 326 & 328 East 4th Street capture New York and especially the East Village’s evolution over more than a century and a half. With all-too-few buildings in the East Village enjoying much-needed landmark protections, we must save 326 & 328 East 4th Street before it is too late!
Next: 11/19/10
Previous: 10/14/10