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Home : Preservation : East Village : 326 & 328 East 4th Street : Sample Letter

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Hon. Robert Tierney
Chair, NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission
One Centre Street, 9th floor
New York, NY  10007
fax: (212) 669-7960 or (212) 669-7955

Re: Support for Landmarking 326 & 328 east 4th Street

Dear Chair Tierney:

I strongly disagree with the LPC’s assertion that 326 & 328 East 4th Street are too altered or in too poor of condition to be considered for landmark designation, and urge you to calendar these buildings RIGHT AWAY. These buildings are incredible survivors and an invaluable piece of our city’s history, and the Commission should act to ensure they are preserved.

As you know, over the years the Commission has landmarked buildings in similar condition to these or worse, and many have been beautifully restored and now thrive as a result. Contrary to the assertion that these buildings have lost their original architectural detail, they actually retain a remarkable level of architectural integrity, and are among the finest surviving examples of Greek Revival architecture in the East Village.

Their history is no less remarkable. Connected to the shipbuilders of early New York’s East River waterfront, one of the houses was constructed by the builder of the first steamship to cross the Atlantic. Their transformation over time from merchant’s houses to immigrant tenements to synagogue to arts collective reflects the remarkable evolution of this neighborhood and our city over nearly two centuries. They should be recognized, honored, and preserved.

It would be shame if these incredible buildings were lost on your watch. PLEASE LANDMARK 326 & 328 EAST 4TH STREET RIGHT AWAY!

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