Please send copies of all letters to GVSHP
232 East 11th Street, New YorkNY 10003
or fax: (212) 475-9582
or e-mail:
Hon. Robert Tierney
Chair, NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission
One Centre Street, 9th floor
New York, NY 10007
fax: (212) 669-7960 or (212) 669-7955
Re: Save 35 Cooper Square
Dear Chair Tierney:
I strongly urge the Commission to hold a hearing on and designate 35 Cooper Square a New York City landmark.
Built around 1825, 35 Cooper Square is one of the oldest surviving buildings on the Bowery and in the East Village. It is not only a physical remnant of our city’s earliest stage of development, but also embodies a wonderful cultural history, with associations ranging from Peter Stuyvesant to the Beat poets. Though slightly altered, it is no more so than many other similar buildings the Commission has designated, and clearly still retains the essential elements of an early federal-style house.
The historic architecture of the Bowery is rapidly disappearing, federal houses in Lower Manhattan are endangered, and the East Village is woefully underrepresented in terms of landmark designation. For all of these reasons, I urge you to act quickly to save 35 Cooper Square.
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