Dear friend,

It may be the dog days of summer, but GVSHP isn't slowing down in our fight to preserve the character of Greenwich Village, the East Village, and NoHo. As you know, we've had some HUGE victories recently, such as the passage of our South Village Historic District Phase I, the largest expansion of historic district protections in the Village since 1969. But we also still have even more huge challenges ahead, such as facing NYU's enormous 20-year expansion plan, which begins the public review and approval process later this year.

That is why I am asking you NOW to join GVSHP, or if you are already a member, to make an additional donation to support our preservation and education work. You can make a single contribution, or a recurring weekly, monthly, or annual contribution by clicking HERE.

GVSHP is a membership-based 501C-3 organization which depends largely upon you, the public, to support its work. And that work is more important now than ever. This year alone, GVSHP has:

Secured landmark designation of the first phase of our proposed South Village Historic District, making the Greenwich Village Historic District far and away the city's largest landmark district
Gotten the city to move ahead with our proposed rezoning of parts of the Far West Village, to prevent the commercial overdevelopment the current zoning encourages
Gotten the city to move ahead with a rezoning of the 3rd and 4th Avenue corridors in the East Village, to prevent more 20+ story hotels and dorms from being erected in this area
Honored the businesses, institutions, and individuals which make our neighborhoods so special before hundreds of neighbors at our Annual Village Awards
Helped get the New School to dramatically scale back their construction plans at 13th Street and 5th Avenue
Made progress on seeking repairs to 43 MacDougal Street, a dilapidated and long-neglected historic landmark
Lead response to the massive NYU 20-year expansion plan, helping to forge a coalition calling for changes to the proposal
Pushed for landmark designation of Westbeth, which received a hearing in January
Launched a first-of-its kind 'Landmarks Applications Webpage,' allowing the public to view every public hearing landmark application in our neighborhood, and find out how they can weigh in on the review and approval process
Helped secure removal of illegal billboards, including on the West Village's Equinox Gym and in the East Village
Secured a hearing on our proposed landmark designation of the East Village's Russian Orthodox Cathedral of the Holy Virgin Martyr
Joined the successful opposition to the proposed developer-requested Sullivan Street rezoning, which was then withdraw
Worked towards preservation of the 1902 former Fire Patrol House #2 on West 3rd Street and the last remaining tenement synagogue in the East Village by securing determinations of eligibility for the State and National Register of Historic Places
Lead opposition to proposed out-of-scale construction at 178 Bleecker Street, which has still not been allowed to move ahead
Continued to expand our children's education program, reaching wider audiences with new materials and curricula
Held a record number of programs on the history, culture, and architecture of our neighborhoods, and the pressing preservation issues they face

But there is so much more we need to do -- from continuing to expand our educational programs and on-line services, to fighting for full adoption of our landmarking and rezoning proposals, to continuing to respond to the massive growth plans NYU has for our neighborhood.

None of this comes easily, however. Without strong support from our members and the public we can’t continue the work we do, or take on the new projects we must.

By making a contribution to GVSHP today, you help ensure that we can fight for much-needed zoning and landmark protections in our neighborhood; stop out-of-character development; make our programming available to a wider audience of young people and adults; and educate about the history, culture, and architecture of the Village, NoHo, and the East Village, and why they are so worthy of preservation.

Just go to to join GVSHP, give a gift membership, make a one-time additional contribution, or sign up to make a recurring contribution.

Thank you so much for your support for GVSHP, and the educational and advocacy work we do.

Andrew Berman
Executive Director

To join GVSHP or support our preservation efforts, visit here.

Connect with GVSHP:

The Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation
232 East 11 Street, New York, NY 10003 : 212.475.9585 :