Home : Preservation : 432-438 East 14th Street Variance
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432-438 East 14th Street Variance Application
Second Revision to BSA Variance Application for 432-438 East 14th Street 03/17/17
Revised BSA Variance Application for 432-438 East 14th Street 10/24/16
BSA Variance Application for 432-438 East 14th Street 05/25/16
Send a Letter to the BSA Today: No Variance # 2016-4183-BZ at 432 East 14th Street
Photos from Variance Hearing 01/24/17
Printable Flyer for March 28 Hearing
Printable Flyer for Hearing [Informacion imprimible para la audiencia publica.]
Testimony and Exhibits of GVSHP 01/24/17
Testimony of SEIU 01/24/17
Testimony of Councilwoman Rosie Mendez 01/24/17 Testimony of State Senator Brad Hoylman and Assemblymember Brian Kavanagh 01/24/17
CB3 Resolution to Deny Variance Application 07/26/16
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