Critical Chelsea Market Hearing and Vote 6/6 — PLEASE COME!
Tomorrow night Community Board #4 will hold its final vote on Jamestown Properties’ application to upzone Chelsea Market to allow a large office tower addition on the 10th Avenue end of the complex and a hotel addition on the 9th Avenue end of the complex (view images HERE). The public can speak during the public session and WE STRONGLY URGE YOU TO ATTEND AND URGE COMMUNITY BOARD #4 TO VOTE NO ON THE APPLICATION!
Last week the Board’s Chelsea Planning and Preservation Committee voted to deny the application unless the height of the proposed 10th Avenue building was reduced, the proposed 9th Avenue building was changed to offices rather than a hotel, and money was given to an affordable housing fund; in essence, saying the board would approve the plan under these conditions. While these changes would be an improvement over the Jamestown Plan, GVSHP and our allies continue to call upon the Community Board to outright reject the plan, as we believe an upzoning and these large additions atop this historic complex are simply wrong.
Following Community Board #4, the plan will be voted on by Borough President Stringer, whose vote, like the Community Board’s, is advisory. The City Planning Commission and City Council will then hold hearings and vote upon the plan; the plan MUST be approved by BOTH the Commission and the City Council in order to move ahead.
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