Land Use Application at 40-56 Tenth Avenue
The following application has broad potential implications for development in our neighborhoods and is making its way through the public review process, starting with review by Community Board #2.
A developer is seeking to construct a glass office tower with commercial space in the lower floors, and is asking for zoning variances to make the tower 34% larger than zoning allows (reaching 199 ft. high) and to set the tower back from the adjacent High Line park to allow more light and air to reach it (read the application HERE). The developer argues that landfill under the site and the presence of the High Line on part of the site creates an economic hardship. While GVSHP does not object to setting the building back from the High Line park, we do object to a variance to allow the building to be larger than normally allowed, especially when the Meatpacking District is already overdeveloped and other nearby sites were developed without zoning variances for extra bulk. The Community Board's Land Use Committee also voted to recommend denial of the bulk variance. Read more HERE.
This item will be heard and voted on by the full Community Board Thursday night beginning at 6 pm (details HERE), with further public hearings by the City in the new year (dates TBD) before final decisions are made.
Next: 10/18/13
Previous: 04/14/11