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Provincetown Playhouse & Apartments Setting the Record Straight on the Provincetown Playhouse 12/14/10 Tell the Truth About the Provincetown Playhouse — Join us for an informational picket 12/11 12/10/10 More Broken Promises for Provincetown Playhouse 11/29/10 NYU destroys more of Provincetown Playhouse walls 09/11/09 NYU breaks promise to preserve Provincetown Playhouse walls 08/21/09 Neighbors and preservationists protest NYU’s planned demolition 10/20/08 Concern about approval of NYU’s demolition plan 06/25/08 CB 2 votes to approve NYU’s plan for demolition 06/20/08 Upcoming public hearing on NYU’s plans 05/27/08 NYU announces it will preserve theater space 05/19/08 Join us in the fight 04/30/08 NYU 2031 Plan includes plans to demolish the historic Provincetown Playhouse and Apartments 04/25/08
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