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Home : Advocacy : Far West Village : Latest News : 01/13/17

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11 Jane Street Landmarks Application Returns

The original 11 Jane Street proposal (top); the revised
design (bottom). Not much of an improvement.

A revised proposal for a new building at this location, between Greenwich Avenue and Hudson Street, has been submitted to the Landmarks Preservation Commission – view it here.  GVSHP strongly opposed the original design as out-of-scale and inappropriately designed for the area.  The LPC did not approve the proposal, but asked the applicant to revise the design before they would consider it again.

The applicant has done so, but unfortunately the new design is not much better than the old one (and may even be worse in some respects).  While the new design is slightly shorter and uses a more appropriate brick material, instead of looking like a corporate office building it now looks like a corporate chain motel.  This is NOT the sort of design which is worthy of or appropriate for the Greenwich Village Historic District or Jane Street.

The revised design will be considered again by the Landmarks Preservation Commission next Tuesday, January 17th.  The public will not be allowed to testify at this meeting, but can submit written testimony in advance and attend to hold up signs to show opposition.



For more background on the 11 Jane Street proposal, click here and here.

Want to view this proposal for a new building in the Greenwich Village Historic District in context?  See GVSHP’s report:  New Buildings Approved For Construction Within the Greenwich Village Historic District Since Designation.


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Home : Advocacy : Far West Village : Latest News : 01/13/17

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