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Home : Preservation : Chelsea Market : Latest News : 05/26/11

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Save Chelsea Market June 1

A coalition of groups including GVSHP fighting to save Chelsea Market from a plan to erect two large towers on either end of the complex are urging people to attend the public session of the full Community Board #4 meeting on Wednesday, June 1 at 6:30 pm at the Hudson Guild Auditorium at Fulton Houses, 119 9th Avenue (17th Street). Each of the groups will be speaking briefly to the board about our strong concerns about the plan, which would require a rezoning needing approval of the City Council and the City Planning Commission, and we ask that supporters show up to indicate support for our position. The rezoning plan must eventually be heard and voted upon by the Community Board, although that review process has not yet formally begun.

The Chelsea Market complex consists of several building constructed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries for the National Biscuit Company (NABISCO). In 2007, GVSHP was able to get the complex listed on the State and National Register of Historic Places as part of the Gansevoort Market Historic District, but the City, after initially indicating an interest in including it in the NYC Gansevoort Market Historic District, excluded it in 2003. This leaves the complex vulnerable to alteration, large additions, or even demolition. However, the current zoning does not allow any additional construction on the site, but a new owner, Jamestown Properties, has expressed a desire to rezone the site to allow a commercial tower to be erected over the 10th Avenue end of the complex and a hotel at the 9th Avenue end.


  • Come to the Community Board #4 meeting on Wednesday, June 1 at 6:30pm at the Hudson Guild Auditorium at Fulton Houses, 119 9th Avenue 9at 17th Street) during the public session to show support for saving Chelsea Market.

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Home : Preservation : Chelsea Market : Latest News : 05/26/11

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