Home : Advocacy : 11 Jane Street
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Landmarks Approves 11 Jane Street 02/17/17
11 Jane Street Landmarks Application Returns 01/13/17 Update on Proposed Development at 11 Jane Street 08/09/16 Plans for Two Oversized Developments on Jane Street Scheduled for Landmarks Hearings Tuesday, June 21 06/16/16 Hearing on Proposed 85-93 Jane Street Development with 90 ft. Towers Thursday 5/12 at 6:30PM & Hearing on Proposed 11 Jane Street 95 ft. tall Apartment Building Monday, 5/16 at 6:30 PM 05/11/16 Two Jane Street Development Plans Get Landmark Hearing May 11 and 16 05/06/16 Applications Filed for New Developments at 11-19 and 85 Jane Street 02/16/16 Three Potential Development Sites Percolating on Jane Street 12/08/15
GVSHP letter to LPC re: revised plans for 11 Jane Street 02/13/17
GVSHP letter to LPC re: revised plans for 11 Jane Street 01/13/17
Manhattan Borough President’s Letter to LPC re: 11 Jane Street 07/13/16 GVSHP Testimony to LPC 06/21/16 Open letter from Jane Street residents 06/16/16
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